Thursday, May 10, 2012

What to Get MoM??

She's overworked and under appreciated. You never seem to have enough time for her in your life. She nags, you complain and you take things out on her all the time. What can you do to make up for this? Its been a while since you did anything really nice for her or bought her something just for her. But flowers and a card just aren't enough and neither is a loud brunch out with all the other unappreciated moms in town...hmmmm what to get her:

1. Spa day - treat her to a spa day or a day at body blitz (therapeutic waters), or purchase a spa gift card and make sure she uses it!!!

2.  An Ipad, E reader or an electronic device to bring her into the 21st century and ease her workload/give her a way to look up recipes on line (lol).

3. Magazine Subscription - get her one or more (dont be a cheapo) subscriptions to her fav magazines or newspapers. Something she wouldnt do for herself

4. DIY - download and burn her some dvds, cds or ebooks...or go buy some for her with your hard earned cash!!

5. Give her $ toward a trip/weekend getaway or another large purchase she has been putting off

6. She really just wants to spend time with you, so order in some good take out (her fav), crack a bottle of wine and spend some quality time

Whatever you do, dont buy her something for the home/kitchen!! BRUTAL!! Also, dont buy her some cheap scarf you saw in passing that you thought she might like. Put some thought into it and show the woman who carried you around for 9 months a little love and respect!!

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