Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Broken Hearts

Is it just me or is 2012 a weird year? I know the Mayan calendar ends in December so people are a little freaked out about the world ending this year. I am more optimistic and don't think the world is going to end tomorrow...BUT I do find the sad passing of many young people in the first few months of this year a little freaky. Sarah Burke, a Canadian ski champion passed away during a training accident in January. Nik Zoricic was involved in an accident during a ski cross race in March that resulted in death. Piermario Morosini, a young Italian soccer player went into cardiac arrest during a soccer game in early April and was pronounced dead shortly after. Bolton midfielder, Fabrice Muamba was able to survive a similar heart attack in March and is now stabilized and recovering well. Today, we found out that Norwegian swimmer Alexander Dale Oen,  was found dead in his hotel room at a training session in Arizona. What is going on? Accidents are one thing, but top athletes in their 20s shouldn't be dying from heart attacks. We are taught that heart failure happens to the old, the obese and the severely unhealthy. But these athletes were at the top of their sport and surely had strong cardiovascular systems. Were they over trained? Did their hearts just simply give out or give up? I don't think anyone has the answer. I hope these events inspire researchers and physicians to investigate the reasons behind these deaths as they are obviously more than a coincidence. My thoughts go out to their families and friends as they cope with the loss of their loved one.

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