Sunday, May 13, 2012

Off to Sin City!!

I am taking a hiatus this week (sorry I dont blog on vaca)..for a trip to Vegas. I've been there a couple times already but I am due for some hot sun, gambling, and debauchery! I will have my full review when I ya later xoxo

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Can you make that with Bacon?

Everyone seems to be obsessed with Bacon flavoured foods and drinks these days. The latest...chocolate bacon muffins..sounds kinda gross eh? Im not even sure I want to try to bake these at home. The muffins may go in the trash AND stink up my house with a mixture of bacon and chocolate smells....hmmm. Then again, I am intrigued to see what they would taste like..maybe something for when I get the munchies? The muffins are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to bacon esque foods. There's Bakon Vodka, even websites on how to make your own bacon infused vodka lol. The kicker? Bacon Foods..a whole website completely obsessed with bacon which includes membership fees ranked on how obsessed you are with bacon!! So much for people eating healthy these days right? I personally love bacon....but I prefer my vodka with a lime or cucumber...not pig fat~~

Making Something from Nothing

In our celebrity obsessed world, it is hard to stay on top of the headlines and capitalize on your 15 minutes of fame. There a hundred of talented singers, actors and athletes that are famous for a reason. It helps if they are good looking and funny or interesting as well. They make their $ doing their craft and the publicity and perks that come with being famous, are added bonuses. But how can you become famous if you dont have talent? A new wave of desperate celebrities have made something (fame) from nothing. Enter Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Speidi and now Paulina Gretzky. If you aren't smart, funny or talented, then you better be sleazy, trashy and slutty to get attention. From sex tapes to scandalous photos, these chics will stop at nothing for attention. I guess they are a little bored living off of Daddy's money. Anyway, its really sad that they crave media and public attention and will stop at nothing to get it. Probably weren't hugged enough as children..sigh! What message is this sending young girls though? Take your clothes off and be a whore to get what you want? At least Hilton and Kardashian ended up building their brand and businesses off their sex tape fame. But was it really worth it? Their children and grandchildren will see intimate sex videos of them that were supposedly "leaked" online. I dont feel sorry for them...they capitalized on the opportunity when they saw it. No matter what all  these ladies do in their careers, 20 years from now their name will always appear on Google along with sex tape, scandal and least they will have money to wipe away the tears lol.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Outsourcing our lives

As we get busier and busier, we are spending more and more cash on hiring people to do mundane things. I am always telling my friends that I need an assistant to deal with my nonsense on a regular basis. We continue to take on more and more, extending our work hours and social obligations. When do we have time to do laundry? mail thank you cards? schedule appts? pick up dry cleaning? The list goes on and on. Technology was supposed to make our lives easier..but has it? How did our parents do all of this and make it look so easy? My parents both worked, raised two children, had a dog, social obligations, a big extended family to visit, skiing, swimming and music lessons to shuttle us to AND they did it all with no help. I never had a nanny, a grandma to watch me or a cleaning lady. They didnt have blackberrys or laptops to email friends. They saw people face to face and chatted on the phone with friends all the time. Sure they were busy and tired..but I never saw them stressed out. I guess we do work longer hours than our parents did as we are always expected to be "on call" answering our blackberrys during evenings and weekends. But email here or a call there shouldn't cause us to be so far behind on daily tasks..but we are. We are now hiring people to not just watch our kids, mow our lawns or clean our houses. People are now hiring glorified errand boys to do their bidding. Its not unusual now for a family to have a cleaning lady, nanny/babysitter, dog walker and lawn care worker. Some households add chauffeur, cook or assistant to the list. We pay people to cut our hair, paint our nails, wash our dogs, make our meals,  drive our kids..leaving us with more free time right? If hiring people so we can have "less" to do and more "time" isnt working..then either we suck at time management or are too busy and need to trim the fat out of our lives. If you are too busy for your friends and family..then you are TOO busy. Starting saying NO or do you need to hire someone to do that for you?

Tea From David

There has been a lot of progress in the coffee world in terms of new beverages and cafes thanks to Starbucks, Second Cup and the like. Tea aficionados were forced to buy tea from mainstream coffee shops and only had a couple flavours to choose from. They were second class citizens vs. the posh coffee drinkers who had plenty of beverages to fight over. David's Tea has filled that gap in the market offering a wild array of teas for the pickiest of tea drinkers. The small retail shops serve tea, have seats for customers and allow buyers to smell and sample their teas before purchasing. Yes, as one may think, the tea ain't cheap. You are paying for the experience as well as the bright modern decor. But the bang is worth the buck so to speak. The teas are flavourful and refreshing with cute accessories to boot. I was never a tea fan, but David turned me into one. My current fav is Jessie's tea...mmmmm! David hasn't travelled to the states yet, but his teas are available for purchase online and if all goes well, he will be expanding beyond Canada soon. The brand is backed by the Segal name (Le Chateau etc) so its not likely to close up shop anytime soon.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Pinning Monster

Pinterest is addictive..yes I am finally on the website and loving it! Its so cool...but I must say it is quite a time waster. Make sure its not linked to your facebook acct (check settings) as your friends on facebook will know exactly when/what you were doing on pinterest as it is added to your fbook news feed/timeline. Anyway, Ive created boards about what I love, what I like to read, as well as a board called ninjawesome (cause I am a tad obsessed with ninjas! lol). Warning: you may become a consumer whore after one week of pinning. Its so easy to see things you want (but dont actually need) as well as things other people like and you desperately want to copy. As if we werent already a consumer driven society already..pinterest is certainly capitalizing on it!!

What to Get MoM??

She's overworked and under appreciated. You never seem to have enough time for her in your life. She nags, you complain and you take things out on her all the time. What can you do to make up for this? Its been a while since you did anything really nice for her or bought her something just for her. But flowers and a card just aren't enough and neither is a loud brunch out with all the other unappreciated moms in town...hmmmm what to get her:

1. Spa day - treat her to a spa day or a day at body blitz (therapeutic waters), or purchase a spa gift card and make sure she uses it!!!

2.  An Ipad, E reader or an electronic device to bring her into the 21st century and ease her workload/give her a way to look up recipes on line (lol).

3. Magazine Subscription - get her one or more (dont be a cheapo) subscriptions to her fav magazines or newspapers. Something she wouldnt do for herself

4. DIY - download and burn her some dvds, cds or ebooks...or go buy some for her with your hard earned cash!!

5. Give her $ toward a trip/weekend getaway or another large purchase she has been putting off

6. She really just wants to spend time with you, so order in some good take out (her fav), crack a bottle of wine and spend some quality time

Whatever you do, dont buy her something for the home/kitchen!! BRUTAL!! Also, dont buy her some cheap scarf you saw in passing that you thought she might like. Put some thought into it and show the woman who carried you around for 9 months a little love and respect!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Like a BOSS!!

This show is pretty cool. It debuted last fall and is starting its second season in August 2012. I am really not a fan of Kelsey Grammer, but his performance in Boss has come a long way from his Frasier days. The show centers around Grammer who is the mayor of Chicago. There are plenty of interesting characters and twisting plots that are an accurate portrayal of real political life. Last season was only 8 episodes..but it left me wanting more. Backstabbing, affairs and estranged family members are just some of the drama in Season one's plot. The show has received rave reviews and accolades including Grammer's Golden Globe Award in 2011. Watch a couple episodes and you will get pulled into the shady lives of Chicago's political elite.

The Return of the Ring?

Spoiler alert!! Did you watch GG this week? I am pretty sure as the season wraps, the Harry Winston ring Chuck gave to Blair will make a return. After all, the season finale is entitled, "The Return of the Ring". I know..I am soo perceptive! lol. Anyway, given that Blair has concerns about going to Rome with Dan and helped Chuck free his father last night, it is safe to say her heart still lies with Chuck. Long live Chair!! I wouldnt be surprised if Chuck busted out the ring again and gave us what we all wanted..a season 6 wedding uniting the Waldorf and Bass families...woohhoo! I guess we will all find out on May 14th when the show wraps until fall...sigh...a long summer in GG withdrawal!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

NYC population: Pippa?

Fresh from quitting her job and hiding from the UK social scene after her Paris gun scandal, Pippa is looking to make a change. She is considering the move to NYC since she will already be in the city for her book engagements this fall. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that the press and paps will be almost as bad as the UK in NYC..hello Pippa! Next to Hollywood, NYC is full of cameras and gossip pages..just ask TMZ and Page 6! Anyway, maybe she wants to leave the UK spotlight but NYC offers the next best place for this attention whore. She obviously doesnt want to fall off the map completely, maybe this is a stint to increase her popularity in the USA. If she wanted to keep a low profile, she could move to many other cities..NYC isnt called the Big Apple for no reason girl! Geez!! I guess we will have to wait to see what happens. In the meantime all single NYC bachelors are holding their breath waiting for a glimpse of her Royal Hotness!!

Math from Khan

We all hate math right? Most look at it as an evil necessary of life. We hate it because it was boring and hard and right before gym class..urgh. Some of us get nightmares just thinking about it. If you didnt do well at math, your chances of success in a lot of careers were limited. No engineering, science or med school for you..math dummie! This has all changed for kids nowadays with the Khan Academy. This website is full of interactive online lessons involving all levels of math..from counting to advanced calculus. There are tests at the end of each lesson and I must say..its rather fun!! The Khan Academy is a non profit educational organization started by Harvard and MIT graduate Salman Khan. The idea was conceived when he was teaching his nephew math, and realized how difficult it was for students to understand math and enjoy it. He saw the gap in learning that many of us have experienced since we were children. Teachers hate math as much as we do and many of them dont understand a lot of it. The Khan Academy has begun to revolutionize the education system with teachers and students using the program daily in schools across North America. Check out the website and try out a couple will see what you missed during childhood.... those lucky kids today! Its great to see that an Ivey League graduate found a way to help out the world from somewhere besides Wall Street. If we waited for the government to change the world, we would be waiting a long time. Kudos to Khan for making change happen.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Love Always Finds a Way

Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy are back together..wooohoo! I was worried there for a bit that they might not find their way back together for the 4th time in 7 years. However, their love and friendship managed to rekindle their romance as the two have been secretly hanging out for a while now. Chelsy is said to have been not a fan of the royal life, but it looks as if love trumps all.  Harry hasn't exactly been waiting by the phone for Chelsy to call. He has tried his fair sampling of the crop. But at the end of the day, its Chelsy he wants by his side..awww! Does this mean another royal wedding???

Now those are Someecards!

I am sure you have probably heard of this site already...and possibly sent some of their ridiculously inappropriate cards to other people. Join the club! I am obsessed with these e cards and will still drop my jaw over some of their captions. There is not a holiday or event that you cant find a card for on here. I usually struggle with trying to not send the mean one that I really want to send. This one is just an example of some of the random cards that are on there. However, know that there were many other cards that aren't for the faint of heart...just check out this one. Hopefully this site gets a good laugh out of you or serves as a worthwhile distraction at work. I already know you will start sending out these cards asap..its just a question of how many!

Sunday, May 6, 2012 will set you free

The key to success in life is to find your passion. Or at least that's what they say. I was watching the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2012 show the other night and I was once again reminded of the power of doing something you truly love. So many larger than life musicians commented on how happy they were being in a band and even Flea from the Chili's got emotional when discussing how free music made him feel. The stories of each band inducted that night were similar. The Beastie Boys, Chili Peppers and Guns n Roses have all been through a lot of drama, fame, heartache, riches and troubles over the years but their love for the music and their brethren  persevered. At a young age, these boys fell in love with music and their instruments eagerly waiting for school to end so they could go home and jam with their friends. Nothing else mattered to them but their songs and those whom played them with. Girls, drugs, sex and crime, came and went, but their true passion never waned through it all. I often wonder if this passion and creativity is still possible in life. Particularly in regards to our youth. Kids are so distracted these days by the internet and TV, that they don't make enough room for creativity and fun. There are no longer jam sessions in their parents basements. They have video games, texting and steaming movies to keep them busy. Its when kids go outside and explore that they use their imagination and find their passion. Steve Jobs once said that your destiny finds you. I do believe in this theory. However, individuals also need to leave the comfort of their house for such destiny to find them. Imagine if any of those musicians had never been given a guitar or a drum kit? What if they spent their time watching TV or being shuttled back and forth from soccer game to kumon?. Kids today have no time to play, explore and find what makes them tick, what makes them smile and what sets them free. Wondering the streets of NYC allowed the Beastie Boys to be influenced by music and people that they would have never encountered playing video games in their bedrooms while downloading songs on their Ipods.


When I heard the news Friday that Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys had passed away, I didn't want to believe it. I knew he had been battling cancer since 2009, but he just seemed too young to die. I like many of my friends, thought the Beastie Boys would live forever and continue the fight for our right to party. Yauch was such an innovator of music and the arts in general. He was involved in all aspects of the arts including films and documentaries. Its sad that we have lost such a creative and benevolent man too soon. He had a fun sense of humour that translated with all ages and fit in well with his out of the box thinking. But for every Nathaniel Hornblower stunt, there were his kind words and acts that showed another side to the Beasties. It is sad that there will never be another Beasties end to one of the greatest live bands in history.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mo Money Mo Problems??

It seems as though Steve Jobs left Apple with a legacy of products...2-5 years worth of projects that are in various stages of  R&D. Tim Cook being promoted as CEO after a stint as head of operations was no accident. Apple's next move: to buy up their supply chain in their quest to control the world. With over $7 billion to spend on capital expenditures in 2012, Apple has been busy vetting Asian factories in hopes of controlling their suppliers and cutting out all competition. Once these measures are in place, who can compete with Apple's margins? It is said that this move is not just a step towards controlling costs and the competition. It also secures Apple's place in their next frontier: TV. Owning their equipment will cut costs by up to 20% and control production on memory and screens. They already know what products they want to launch, its just a matter of controlling the process. Can someone say $1000 stock price??

$12 million and counting...

 While everyone else on The Hills was partying like rock stars and gossiping on their hungover days, Lauren Conrad was building an empire. Sure, a lot of characters from the show became famous for a while and jump started their career after The Hills. However, for many of them, their 15 minutes of fame are over. Lauren was the only one who was able to keep her head out of all the drama, plastic surgery and hardcore drugs to see the business opportunities at hand. She used her role on a hit TV show to launch her own clothing lines, series of books and websites to build her brand. It was so easy for her to get caught up in the ridiculousness of her LA lifestyle but we never did see her in a scandalous or inappropriate light. She stayed focused and kept her eye on the prize. Sure she went through some drama and although I don't approve of all her choices, she certainly is an inspiration to many girls out there on how to stay classy among the trashy and capitalize on a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Looking for somewhere to eat??

Why not try the top 50 restaurants? This list was just updated recently and no one was surprised to see Noma at #1. Good luck getting a reso at any of the top ten restaurants. Spain has become more of a culinary treasure nabbing three spots in the top ten. NYC is still represented with Per Se, and Eleven Madison Park. Alinea in Chicago places in 7th, down one place from #6 last year. To be on the list is a blessing and a curse. Sure the notoriety guarantees a booked restaurant for years and a huge career boost for the chefs and management. However, the fame can be overwhelming for some places and will lead to thousands of phone calls and dare I say..too much press! La Grenouillere was awarded "The One to Watch" Award..possibly a contender for the #1 spot one a table while you can..chop chop!!

He's STILL got it!!

Political views aside...President Obama still has game! Did you see him on Jimmy Fallon last week? When they slow jammed the news together? Hilarious!! Obama is back..where was he for the past four years?? He was his old charming, funny, charismatic self. He even appeared a bit nervous which was nice to see. In contrast to dull, egotistical, rich as hell Romney, he is such a breath of fresh air. He may not win the election at the end of this year but its nice to see he hasn't lost his sense of humour and his ability to show how much he truly cares about the future. He has tried his best with the odds stacked against him and still hasn't lost his quest to make America strong again. Let's not forget how awesome and funny Fallon him!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Of all the Bachelors in Canada...

They had to choose this guy? Such a typical selection. Lets pick a football player so it will appeal to all the American viewers when really football isn't even that popular here. Brad Smith was chosen to be the bachelor on Bachelor Canada starting this fall. I am sure he's a nice guy and all..but do we really need a washed up boring football player to represent the best of our country? Did I mention his Dad is a ya...he's not exactly going to get scandalous on TV. Even his press shot is bad. Guaranteed he will have a nice shirtless body and a great smile but it ends there ladies. His name is BRAD more boring can you get? I really hope I am wrong in this case and I do feel bad for bashing someone I don't know. Alas, you can't blame me! In a country of 30+ million people, there HAD to be a better choice. Need I remind you that he isn't even famous...or cute! Sigh...the jury is out till the fall premiere.

Ending Illness

This is a powerful and informative book...and I highly recommend you read it. Written by an oncologist named David Agus, The End of Illness takes the reader on a journey towards better health. Throw away all previous beliefs and habits as this book is sure to change your views on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Sure the book has received some controversy especially considering that Agus has gone up against the multi-billion dollar vitamin industry. But keep in mind this information is coming from a credible source with years of research behind him. It was no surprise to me that some of the fads behind research and nutrition today..are just that....fads!! Agus stresses the importance of an active lifestyle daily (more standing vs. sitting etc) as opposed to strenuous bursts of exercise. He also emphasizes the need for most people over 45 to take statins and have their genes sequenced to determine individual precursors for disease. Its by no coincidence that Agus is the founder of one may think this is a shameless publicity stunt. As with every book, you are free to read with caution and conclude what you will. I am happy to write about a book that offers a refreshing point of view on health and not a doomsday message about the futur

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Broken Hearts

Is it just me or is 2012 a weird year? I know the Mayan calendar ends in December so people are a little freaked out about the world ending this year. I am more optimistic and don't think the world is going to end tomorrow...BUT I do find the sad passing of many young people in the first few months of this year a little freaky. Sarah Burke, a Canadian ski champion passed away during a training accident in January. Nik Zoricic was involved in an accident during a ski cross race in March that resulted in death. Piermario Morosini, a young Italian soccer player went into cardiac arrest during a soccer game in early April and was pronounced dead shortly after. Bolton midfielder, Fabrice Muamba was able to survive a similar heart attack in March and is now stabilized and recovering well. Today, we found out that Norwegian swimmer Alexander Dale Oen,  was found dead in his hotel room at a training session in Arizona. What is going on? Accidents are one thing, but top athletes in their 20s shouldn't be dying from heart attacks. We are taught that heart failure happens to the old, the obese and the severely unhealthy. But these athletes were at the top of their sport and surely had strong cardiovascular systems. Were they over trained? Did their hearts just simply give out or give up? I don't think anyone has the answer. I hope these events inspire researchers and physicians to investigate the reasons behind these deaths as they are obviously more than a coincidence. My thoughts go out to their families and friends as they cope with the loss of their loved one.

An All Bass Reunion

Spoiler alert!!! Say it ain't so GG..Bart Bass is alive and well? So Chuck Bass never really lost his father or his mother? Hmmmm this thickens the plot for sure. Its hard to believe that Jack Bass is Chuck's real dad but then again, Chuck and Bart have nothing in it only makes sense. Wow! I didnt see this one coming at all. I guess we will have to stay tuned to see what Chuck does AND to find out why Bart is alive. Better question..why was Bart ever pronounced dead? What is being hidden from poor Chuck? Of course Blair was the one to first find Bart.. leaving us all to hope and dream for a Chair reunion. If I can't have Chuck..then long live CHAIR!!! Cant believe I have to wait for next Monday to find out what happens...